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Tier 2 - Additional Strategies and Support
Tier 1 - Universal Instruction



Response to Intervention

 Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning, behavior, and other related needs. The RTI process begins with high-quality instruction for all children in the general education classroom. Learners who are experiencing academic, behavior and other difficulties are provided with interventions, accommodations, and progress monitoring at increasing levels of intensity to address these issues. These services may be provided by a variety of personnel, including general education teachers, special educators, and specialists. Progress is closely monitored to determine if the student is reponding to the interventions implemented. Educational decisions about the intensity and duration of interventions are based on how well the individual student responds to the instruction. 

Tier 1 - is designed to address the needs of the majority of a school's students.  By using flexible grouping, on-going assessment and targeting specific skills, classroom teachers are able to provide instructional needs.


Alternative strategies and interventions for improvement of the student's skills will be implemented and the student's progress will be documented.



Tier 2 - is designed to answer the question “what are we prepared to do when students do not learn?” 

Interventions should be developed and made available when specific students show weaknesses in those areas. 

Tier 4 is designed to answer the question: "What level of support is needed and how frequently should my student receive it to address their exceptionality?

This tier is developed for students who need additional supports and meet eligibility criteria for special program placement including: gifted education, ESOL support and special education. With three effective 
tiers in place prior to specialized services, more struggling students will be successful and will not require this degree of intervention. Tier 4 does not represent a location for services, but indicates a layer of interventions that may be provided in the general education class or in a 
separate setting. 

Tier 3 -is  designed to answer the question "Why doesn't the student learn?

This tier is a unique individual, diagnostic, data driven instructional problem solving process .

This is the point where specialists (school psychologists, intervention specialists, behavior specialists, counselors, social workers, speech-language pathologists, etc.) often participate in the 
problem solving process if they have not already been involved at Tiers 1 and 2. 
Problem solving at this stage is more in depth and intensive and usually requires gathering and  analyzing additional information about the student, his/her performance strengths and 
weaknesses, background information, etc

Tier 4- Individualized Support

Get ready to meet the Gifted Eligibility team or the Special Education Team!

Tier 3 - SST / Structured-Intential Support

Get ready to meet the Student Support Team!

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